Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Amazing Life Photos

I found a website that had a whole bunch of amazing photo's from old Life magazine issues. 
Here are some of the ones that really hit a nerve with me: 

Martin Luther King Jr. in Atlanta Georgia in May 1960 (photograph by Howard Sochurek). Such a simple photo but I've never seen it before and it captures a very different side of him. To me this seems like a photo of the man but without the legend of what he did enshrouding him. Actually cancel that. I don't know how to describe it but it's just a great portrait and I don't know if it's the photographer or the subject that makes it so. 

Washington D.C., August 28, 1963 (photograph by Robert W. Kelley). This was during the civil rights march on washington dc for jobs and freedom. Crazy amount of people. There's a lot of photograph's around of this event but I dunno..every single one seems to have the same impact. 
JFK November 1963, New York, New York... (photograph by Carl Mydans)

RFK, June 5, 1968 (photographed by Bill Eppridge)...

1 comment:

  1. i have a book of life magazines' amazing photos and you can look at it tonight. you'll fall in love with many
