Sunday, February 15, 2009

Real quick pepsi slam

Ok, so I'm one of the people anti the new pepsi logo (or is it three logo's?). I don't obsessively hate it (like I do this piece of crap...why? WHY? WHY?! Why was this allowed? The sideways M, fine. Fine make some stripes whatever, fine drop cap the A. Go nuts. BUT WHAT IS WITH THE STRETCHNG OF THE LETTERS?! Why is the N and A's squished wile the I and L stretched to fill the voids? WHY?!)

Ok..enough of that. ANYWAY back to my original topic: pepsi. The new logo has always reminded me of a weird combination of these two: 

However, now I will probably always see it as this (teehee): 

1 comment:

  1. Hahah Love the rant on the top about the Animal Planet logo. You just couldn't resist. <333
