Saturday, February 21, 2009

Panamap? Lenticular technology used in a smart way!

Wowowowow. Wow. This is brilliant! It's called Panamap and why hasn't it been thought of before? I really want to see one of these things in real life! Wow!Ok, trying to not be super excited. And getting to the explaining of what this is!

Panamap is a map which uses the lenticular technology we've all seen as kids (and more exceedingly on dvd's. Those things when a picture changes from one thing to another as you turn the object in your hand. Technical description, I know. Click for wikipedia to explain.). It is developed by Urbamapping and it combines subway, neighborhood and street views.  The back lists popular attractions of the city. 
Another cool feature of this map is that, unlike many subway maps, it actually shows the subway stops where they actually lie (sorry Vignelli, geometry doesn't always win in functionality. Often, but not always (i still love you)). Also, when you turn the map, the map reveals the exact street view of the subway but, now, unencumbered by the lines of the subway system. In clarity and readability, this really seems like the way to go. Beautiful. 
So far, there are only ones available for Manhattan and Chicago. I really like the design of this and it's really a smart idea. The whole thing folds up accordion style into a manageable size (vague I know but the video below should help!):

At about 20$ each, I'd consider buying this. Better yet, I would gladly receive this as a gift (wink wink) and that's saying a lot considering it is just a map. 

1 comment:

  1. I've seen these in person, they are cool and they did a nice job creating them!

