Thursday, February 5, 2009

If these walls could blush

There's a lot about going green that gives me that warm, bubbly feeling. There is also the upside that when I'm not being friendly to the environment, the environment doesn't personally attack me for it. The downside of that is laziness often takes over and I waste instead of conserve. 

This house is kind of a voice for that. It produces it's own energy for heating, cooling, electricity and hot water via solar energy. What makes this house really interesting is that it tells you how much energy it's producing and using. The energy meter is on the outside of the house as a series of LED lights that glow green when the house is producing more than it is using and RED when it's using more than it's producing! Pretty cool, eh? 

There is also a computer inside the house that records all the specifics and stuff but the LED system kind of set's it apart in the sense that it let's other's around know whether it's doing it's part in being green or blushing that it's not. A cute addition to a very smart idea. 

The house was constructed in November 2008 by Brightbuilt Barn (and all the photo's belong to them). Brightbuilt Barn is a....task force I wanna say, aimed at creating eco-friendly buildings. The website manifesto details their commitment to sustainability and open source collaboration: 
"...we hold that each of us alive today bears a special responsibility to work toward a way of life that can sustain human life indefinitely, so that we leave a world where our grandchildren may have grandchildren. We conclude that our reliance on fossil fuels is unsustainable in the long run, and may need to be eliminated in our lifetime if we are to avoid catastrophic climate change." 

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