Thursday, March 12, 2009

I made this little guy

He's part of a poster (for autism if you can believe it) and I kind of love him. He's just super cute. and an elephant...maybe that's why I like him so much. 

I do feel like like my work has taken on a certain "flavor" in the past year. I hate saying "cute" but god damn... I've been finding myself doing a lot of cute stuff. And a lot of pattern. I don't know, maybe it's just a phase, maybe not only time will tell right? 
For now enjoy my elephant. Bc he's adorable. 

And if you can't tell he's an me he is. 


  1. make him into a sticker! i want one!

  2. hmm..maybe i should. he will not be a part of the final poster so a sticker would be a good way to not let dust collect on him in the dark abyss of my hard drive.
